


Why they came to us: The team at Wyatt Seating had a 70+ page website that was not user friendly, included multiple redirects, and was very slow. The entire team knew they needed an upgrade and thought about doing it in house, but knew they wanted outside consulting and also needed it done in a tight timeframe. During the client’s first meeting, we determined the path. With a UX flow, initial wireframes, and design early in the process, we knew we could quickly gain a great understanding of what the client wanted in their website, and how to increase their conversion rates.


What we did to help: Our website process started with the company’s story: who they are, what they stand for, and how they help people. We then created a UX flow and wireframes to analyze who is coming to the website and how we can encourage users to convert. The design process brought engaging visuals to the website, and our team delivered a developed version of the website within 4 weeks, roughly 66% faster than our typical timeline for a project this size. Sending the website live was the best part — and awaiting massive results!

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Significantly improved website speed

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From a static website to a conversion machine

web development logo

Trustworthy vendor to support ongoing needs

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Quality service delivered on a tight timeline

Weeks to Complete
Client Satisfaction
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Ongoing Leadflow

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